Monday, January 31, 2011

Free Blog!

Why is it that when you give your best efforts towards weight loss, you gain two pounds.  Last week started off great, with a massive workout that burned 750 calories, followed two other sessions that burned around 500 each.  My intake of calories was moderate and under control.  I made sure to get my fruits and veggies in adding lots of them to the power smoothies which I now love, even though you more chew them than drink.  Then the weekend came.
I am enrolled in a finite math class and we have a test Monday  night, which reviews everything you have ever learned in Algebra, with some set logic thrown in for fun.  So as I sat there for hours studying, I would take breaks and eat to ease my the fuzzy feeling that was settling in my brain.  I really can't call much of what I ate brain food, except for maybe the nuts.  By Sunday I just couldn't take it anymore and gave into what I had been wanting all along, chocolate chip cookies.  Now I really can justifiably blame this on my daughter, who had been cramming all weekend for her microbiology class.  She looked up at me over her laptop and notes spread all around, and said with weary sad eyes, "Mom, can you make me some cookies?".  How could I not.  I suppose the making them isn't what really did me in, it was the consumption.  Boy were they delicious, a little undercooked, with walnuts, doesn't get much better than that.  Oh well, back to the free weights, and power smoothies.  It's a new week, and a new beginning.

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