Monday, January 24, 2011

My thoughts on reading

I have a habit, when I read, of guessing the outcome or ending of whatever topic I encounter.  I never read the end of a book, or article first, as some people do so they know whether or not they actually want to finish.  But I just can't help guessing the ending or what the point will be.  One thing an OCC professor taught me, to gain comprehension before reading a chapter in a textbook is to go to the end and find out what questions will be asked of the text.  It gives you a focus on what to look for, and what you are supposed to get out of the text and really helps you to read with focus, not just to get through it. 

Suggestions that are given in chapter one of our textbook, that I found useful when you are reading, are to highlight main points in the text, and to write notes in the margins.  It's funny how I see fellow students never dare mark their text, as they are trying to keep the book in as good of shape as possible, so it has the highest possible trade in value.   When you consider that the class costs more than the book you see that theory is a false economy, when what your goal is, is to learn, and marking will help you to understand and remember more out of the text.   So i say, mark on, and enhance your learning.

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